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Facebook Ads

Facebook ads (Meta ads) are a powerful tool for businesses to reach their target audience and leads. With over 2 billion active users, Facebook provides a vast pool of potential customers for businesses to tap into. By creating targeted ads, businesses can reach the right people at the right time, increasing the chances of converting them into leads. Additionally, Facebook's advanced analytics tools allow businesses to track the success of their ads and make data-driven decisions to optimize their campaigns for even better results. by using it you are:

Insuring fast lead generating results 

A return on your investment from Ads

Target the right audience 

A return on your investment from Ads

Generate More traffic to a service 

Generate More traffic to a product

Note: a good return o flip leads to Contact is 25% to 35%

Show Cases

Products Selling Facebook ads 

A product service is a very creative and tricky ad that requires to be innovative but simple at the same time.
Generating the results can be different from one country to another 
for example
- some Audiences are looking for percentage discounts on products 
- Some Audiences are looking for discount prices 
- Some are just looking for new products regarding their price 


With this client, selling products online results were the following :

Target Audience: Africa
Daily Budget: $ 20
4 Days results: 641 Confirmed Leads
Cost per Lead: $ 0.11


Real Estate Facebook Ads

Real estate has a variety of options & products normally determined by many factors such as Property prices, location, size, and many more.....

The main point here is to target the right audience at the right time with the right offer 

and this is exactly what we provided our customer with:
Target Audience:
Saudi Arabia

Daily Budget: $ 45

30 Days results: 59 Confirmed Leads

Cost per Lead: $ 11

Screenshot 2024-07-10 094735.png

Service Business Meta Ads

Services could be one of the most spam lead results compared to other types of ads. Therefore, service ads must be very precise, focusing on as small audiences as possible, and excluding as many audiences as possible. Otherwise, you will end up with lots and lots of job seekers 

This was exactly what we did with our client:

Target Audience: UAE

Daily Budget: $ 20

4 Days results: 187 Confirmed Leads

Cost per Lead: $ 0.9

Screenshot 2024-07-10 100051.png
contact us


We can help you set up the right Facebook ads (Meta) campaign, design the right offers, custom target, and target your audience 

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